Client Centered + Results Driven + Litigation Attorneys

Providing clients with deep expertise and excellent client service.

We pride ourselves in being more than just attorneys; we are your dedicated advocates in the heart of Greater Atlanta.

We bring a wealth of expertise in handling a diverse range of cases. We specialize in advocating for those who have ben affected by car accidents, premise liability issues, and trucking accidents.

Local Insight: Our lawyers have dedicated their careers to serving clients in the metro Atlanta area and beyond, including, DeKalb, Clayton, Gwinnett, Cobb, and the surrounding counties. If you’ve been injured in Georgia, our team will use their knowledge of the local courts to your advantage.

Personalized Approach: We believe in the power of personalized legal strategies, ensuring that each client receives the attention and advocacy they deserve.

Proven Results: With a track record of successful outcomes, we have earned the trust of our clients through diligent representation and a commitment to excellence.

Areas of Practice

Car Accidents

Car accidents are a risk we all face on the roadways today, no matter how diligently we drive. If you have been seriously hurt in a car collision caused by another driver, contact Smith Beer Law in Atlanta, Georgia as soon as possible. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will fight for the compensation you deserve.

Our successful plaintiff representation means tangible results for our clients. From negotiating fair settlements to winning court verdicts, we are committed to securing just compensation for those who have suffered due to car accidents

Premises Liability

Property owners have a duty to visitors to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition. If you have been injured in an accident on someone else’s property, you may have a premises liability claim for compensation. Contact Smith Beer Law today to find out if you have a case and what damages you may be entitled to claim.

We achieve successful outcomes for our clients who have suffered injuries on another person's property. Whether it's a slip and fall or other accidents, our experienced team navigates the complexities of premises liability law to secure fair compensation for those harmed due to unsafe conditions on someone else's premises

Negligent Security

Property owners have a duty to provide adequate security for everyone invited onto their land whether they are a private homeowner or landowner, or rent the property as a business. If a property owner does not take the necessary steps to adequately secure their premises, which then results in harm to another, that owner may be civilly responsible for those injuries.


 If you or a loved one was injured due to a crime that took place on someone else’s property, an Atlanta negligent security lawyer may be able to help you. An accomplished premises liability attorney could conduct independent investigations into the incident, discover evidence of the landowner’s negligence, form demand packages to obtain compensation for your injuries, or take your case all the way to trial if necessary.


“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

– Albert Einstein

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