Attorney and injured man shaking hands. Smith Beer Trial Attorneys - Personal injury blog

Georgia Statute of Limitations Personal Injury: What You Need to Know

Georgia Statute of Limitations Personal
Injury: What You Need to Know

The statute of limitations period for filing a personal injury lawsuit is typically two years from the date of the injury. This means that most personal injury claims must be initiated within this two-year window to be considered valid by the courts. However, this general rule comes with several exceptions that can either shorten or extend the filing period.

For instance, if the injured party is a minor, the statute of limitations may be tolled until they reach the age of majority. Similarly, certain types of personal injury cases, such as wrongful death claims, must adhere to the same two-year timeframe from the date of the fatal incident. Other common types of personal injuries, including spinal cord injuries and assault and battery cases, also fall under this two-year statute. Missing these deadlines can result in a case dismissal, nullifying any chance of recovering damages. Victims must be aware of the specific deadlines applicable to their cases. Awareness
of the statute of limitations protects your right to seek compensation for injuries.

Understanding the legal landscape is key to navigating the intricacies of the statute of limitations. Given the various factors influencing deadlines, it is advisable to consult a qualified Georgia personal injury lawyer like the attorneys at Smith Beer for tailored advice. Professional support can be crucial in preserving legal rights and securing deserved compensation.

Car wreck with man holding his neck. Smith Beer Trial Attorneys - Personal injury blog

Georgia Statute of Limitations

Special Time Limits for Different Types of Personal Injury Claims

Wrongful Death Claims

Tolling and Extensions in Georgia Personal Injury Cases

Tolling Due to Defendant’s Absence

Tolling Due to Pending Criminal Action

Discovery Rule

Legal Incapacity

Woman falling on ice. Smith Beer Trial Attorneys - Personal injury blog

Filing Deadlines for Governmental Agency Claims

Importance of Timely Filing

How a Smith Beer Personal Injury Attorney Can Assist

Smith Beer Trial Attorneys Welcomes Nicole Buchwald as a New Partner

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